Interpreters: David Davis,Rueven Doron,Karen Davis,Sar Shalom,Daniel Kopp,Roy Kendall,Nomi Pritz,Barry & Batya Segal,Chaim Warshawsky,Sarah Liberman,Celeste Mills,Esther Horesh,Rueven Doron.
Disc: Elohim: Experience Worship From The Heart Of Israel
Year: 2000
File Size: 88 MB
Track List:
01 Te'Heeleem 95:1-7 (Psalm 95:1-7) (David Davis & Rueven Doron)
02 Shiru Le' Elohim (Sing To God) (Karen Davis)
03 Kumah Adonai (Arise O Lord) (Sar Shalom)
04 Elohim (And The Angels Sing) (Sar Shalom)
05 Adonai Li, Lo Ira (The Lord Is With Me, I Will Not Be Afraid) (Daniel Kopp)
06 Be'Libi Tzafanti (In My Heart I've Hidden) (Roy Kendall & Nomi Pritz)
07 On Your Walls O Jerusalem (Barry & Batya Segal)
08 Ke' Ayal Ta' Arog (As The Deer Pants) (Roy Kendall)
09 Ma Navu (How Beautiful) (Chaim Warshawsky)
10 Rak Atah Elohim (Only You God) (Sarah Liberman)
11 Nachamu Ami (Comfort My People) (Celeste Mills & Chaim Warshawsky)
12 Be'Mayim Zakim (With Pure Water) (Esther Horesh)
13 Eli, Eli My (God, My God) (Esther Horesh)
14 Etz Chayim (Tree Of Life) (Chaim Warshawsky)
15 Father, Hear Our Cry (Karen Davis)
16 Divray Ha'yamin 2- 7:14 (2 Chronicles 7:14), Mati 23:37-39 (Matthew 23:37-39) (Rueven Doron & David Davis)

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